【同义词辨析】 2017-10-19 立刻presently-directly
presently: is a term of rather vague implications as to the extent of time indicated: the doctor will be here ~.
shortly: typically implies a following quickly or without avoidable delay: you will recieve the report ~ after the tests are completed.
soon: may imply that the thing narrated or predicted happened or will happen without much loss of time: your sister will come home ~.
directly: implies something happening with little or a minimum of delay: ~ after graduation he joined the family business.
presently: 时间长短模糊, shortly: 没有可以避免的推迟,即尽快, soon: 没有大量的推迟,即没多会儿, directly直接: 最小延迟
记忆方法: 1)首字母PS想成水平,SD想成速度<==立刻 按时间从快到慢directly>shortly>soon>presently
2)立刻的意思是过了一小会儿mean after a little while.